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McKinley Mustang Experience

  • At the McKinley Avenue Elementary School, we believe that our success is built upon the hopes and dreams of our students, staff, and parents/guardians. McKinley's highly qualified teachers deliver a rich educational program with skill, enthusiasm, and expertise. With our dedicated educators, the curriculum is delivered in a creative format. Lessons are child-centered and tailored to meet the needs of each of our students. With differentiating instruction, our program incorporates best practices and current research about curriculum, instruction, technology, and assessment. As an active school community, we are a strong team that constantly and consistently strives to provide the best education for each and every child.
    The McKinley Avenue Elementary School currently serves over 600 students in third and fourth grades. We are very proud of our curriculum programs that creatively utilizes up-to-date resources to teach our children essential reading, writing, and math strategies and skills. The development of students’ writing skills is enhanced as writing is infused in all content areas and writing portfolios are continually developed. Our mathematics program promotes the use of manipulatives, hands-on lessons, and problem-solving activities. Science and social studies concepts are actively explored across the curriculum as well as  one-to-one chromebooks provide the students with the ability to enhance their technology skills .Special subject areas that are provided for our students include: art, music, physical and health education, world language, STEAM, and social emotional learning. In addition, the school offers chorus, band/orchestra, safety patrol, and guidance groups. 

    In addition, speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, resource room, and basic skills services are available for students who are eligible and need such assistance. Children who have been identified meeting the matrix criteria for the Gifted & Talented program will be given notice in August and will receive additional instruction built within the school year.  Furthermore, all students will be given the opportunity to sign-up for after school Enrichment program activities during certain points throughout the school year.  You will receive Enrichment Program information when the sign-ups become available. 

    Parents and community members are encouraged to volunteer and assist . Other opportunities for parents to become involved in their child's school life are arranged as well, including Back to School Night, Workshops,  Parent Teacher Conferences, and Individual Student Goal Conferences. Through the concerted efforts of parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators working together, a collaborative bond has been established between home and school. The Stafford Township has a very active PTO that conducts numerous events throughout the year, raising funds that benefit the school and enhance our academic and cultural programs. Our students enjoy many valued and appropriate assembly programs, sponsored by the PTO, that focus on specific academic areas, cultural awareness, and character education.

    The spirit of generosity and good citizenship has become contagious through our school-wide fundraising for Make a Difference Day. The McKinley Avenue Elementary School has been participating in Make a Difference Day since 2000.  McKinley has supported organizations such as, The Ronald McDonald House, A Walk to Remember for 9/11 families, ithe Ocean's Harbor House, Children's Specialized Hospital, The Food Bank of Ocean & Monmouth Counties,  Ocean's of Love, the Stafford Township Police Department, the Friends of Southern Ocean County Animal Shelter, the Ocean County Hunger Relief,  Family Promise of Southern Ocean County, and the Popcorn Park Zoo just to name a few!  Our children recognize the value of service learning.

    The McKinley Avenue Elementary School takes great pride in the positive and nurturing environment that characterizes our school. By teaching our students to think and dream, we continue to create life-long learners who will achieve success in any area they pursue.